Welcome to my teaching e-portfolio!

A black and white headshot. Amanda wears a long-sleeved blouse and scarf. Her hair, which has highlights, is down, parted to the side.

My name is Amanda L. Rioux. Welcome to my teaching portfolio.

The purpose of my site is to combine a teaching portfolio with a teaching philosophy, thus creating a hypermediated teaching philosophy. By creating a hypermediated philosophy, I aim to expand on the oftentimes limiting genre of a teaching philosophy with embedded links to examples of the principles of my teaching philosophy.

A document typically confined to a one-page, limited word count, a traditional teaching philosophy leaves no room for expansion or further explanation of its individual components. In embedding hyperlinks that bring the reader to specific examples–in the form of lesson plans, classroom videos, etc.–I aim to extrapolate on the existing genre conventions of a teaching philosophy.

In my teaching philosophy I will outline my strategies and provide hyperlinks to materials to demonstrate specific points I make. Hyperlinks allow a chance for me to elaborate on a given point without exceeding the word limit of a traditional teaching philosophy; that is, I will touch l lightly on a topic as an example, and provide a hyperlink where the example is further expanded, providing more details.

Courses Taught & Overall Goals

-ENL 265: Business Communication

  • Reading and writing in a business setting
  • Understanding different audiences and purposes for writing
  • Identifying rhetorical strategies for writing for specific audiences within and outside of a business setting
  • Building strong writing and communication skills for social media management

-ENL 101: Critical Writing & Reading I

  • Assessing authors and sources for credibility
  • Reading laterally to further assess sources and publications
  • Tracing claims and evidence back to their original source
  • Assessing news and information from social media for credibility
  • Determining the author’s tone
  • Identifying the author’s main argument, supporting claims, and evidence
  • Making an argument that contributes to a larger ongoing conversation, incorporating secondary evidence

-ENL 102: Critical Writing & Reading II

  • Developing critical research skills, such as assessing sources for credibility
  • Reading to pinpoint an author’s thesis and the overall “big picture” conversation they are responding to
  • Synthesizing one’s ideas with what others are saying
  • Responding to what others are saying either in agreement, disagreement, or some combination of both
  • Developing a thesis that adds on to an existing conversation and defending it with evidence

-ENL 099: Critical Writing & Reading Workshop Component

  • Providing additional support for ENL 101 skills set development
  • Developing critical reading skills
  • Running group activities and team-building exercises designed to further develop audience and genre awareness in writing
  • Providing one-on-one support in a smaller size classroom

Further Notes

The skills required to teach both Business Communication, and Critical Writing & Reading, translate well for teaching a course on creative writing, thesis development, thesis research, and even literary analysis. With my teaching experience, and prior experience earning a BA in Literature & Criticism, I am adaptable to teaching multiple types of courses in the humanities.

Teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic created new challenges which required adapting new strategies. Therefor, I am capable of teaching both in person, online, or a hybrid combination of both. Additionally, I am always prepared to re-configure an in-person lesson plan for an online module should the situation require it.